Creating a weather app with Python and OpenWeatherMap API

Section 1: Introduction Weather apps are one of the most commonly used applications on smartphones and computers. They provide users with information about weather conditions in real-time, which helps them to plan their day and stay safe during extreme weather conditions. In this article, we will learn how to create a weather app with Python using the OpenWeatherMap API.

OpenWeatherMap API provides developers with access to real-time weather data for any location on earth. The API is easy to use and provides a wide range of weather-related data including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and much more. Python is a popular programming language that is widely used for web development, data science, and machine learning. With Python, we can easily fetch data from the OpenWeatherMap API and create a simple yet effective weather app.

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of creating a weather app with Python and OpenWeatherMap API. We will start by discussing the prerequisites for this tutorial, followed by an overview of the OpenWeatherMap API. After that, we will show you how to obtain an API key, and finally, we will walk you through the process of creating the weather app.

Section 2: Prerequisites Before we start creating our weather app, we need to install the necessary software and libraries. Here are the prerequisites for this tutorial:

  1. Python 3.x: Python is a programming language that is widely used in web development, data science, and machine learning. You can download Python from the official website.
  2. Requests library: Requests is a Python library that is used for sending HTTP requests using Python. We will use this library to fetch data from the OpenWeatherMap API. You can install this library using pip by running the following command: pip install requests.
  3. Tkinter library: Tkinter is a standard GUI library for Python. We will use this library to create the user interface for our weather app. Tkinter is included with Python, so you don’t need to install it separately.

Section 3: Overview of the OpenWeatherMap API The OpenWeatherMap API provides access to real-time weather data for any location on earth. The API is easy to use and provides a wide range of weather-related data including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and much more. To use the OpenWeatherMap API, you need to obtain an API key, which is a unique identifier that allows you to access the API.

The OpenWeatherMap API has different endpoints, each providing a different set of weather-related data. Some of the commonly used endpoints are:

  1. Weather endpoint: This endpoint provides the current weather data for a specific location. The data includes temperature, humidity, wind speed, and much more.
  2. Forecast endpoint: This endpoint provides the weather forecast data for a specific location. The data includes temperature, humidity, wind speed, and much more for the next few days.
  3. One Call endpoint: This endpoint provides all the weather-related data for a specific location in one API call. The data includes current weather data, weather forecast data, and much more.

Section 4: Obtaining an API key To use the OpenWeatherMap API, you need to obtain an API key. The API key is a unique identifier that allows you to access the API. Here’s how you can obtain an API key:

  1. Go to the OpenWeatherMap website and create an account.
  2. Once you have created an account, log in to your account and go to the API keys page.
  3. Create a new API key by clicking on the “Generate API key” button.
  4. Copy the API key and keep it safe. We will use this API key to fetch weather-related data from the OpenWeatherMap API.

A programming language is for thinking about programs, not for expressing programs you’ve already thought of. It should be a pencil, not a pen.

Section 5: Creating the weather app user interface Now that we have installed the necessary software and obtained an API key, we can start creating the user interface for our weather app using Tkinter. Here’s an example code for a basic weather app user interface:

import tkinter as tk

HEIGHT = 500
WIDTH = 600

root = tk.Tk()

canvas = tk.Canvas(root, height=HEIGHT, width=WIDTH)

background_image = tk.PhotoImage(file='landscape.png')
background_label = tk.Label(root, image=background_image), relheight=1)

frame = tk.Frame(root, bg='#80c1ff', bd=5), rely=0.1, relwidth=0.75, relheight=0.1, anchor='n')

entry = tk.Entry(frame, font=('Courier', 18)), relheight=1)

button = tk.Button(frame, text="Get Weather", font=('Courier', 12)), relheight=1, relwidth=0.3)

lower_frame = tk.Frame(root, bg='#80c1ff', bd=10), rely=0.3, relwidth=0.75, relheight=0.6, anchor='n')

label = tk.Label(lower_frame, font=('Courier', 18), anchor='nw', justify='left', bd=4), relheight=1)


In the above code, we have created a basic user interface using Tkinter. The user interface consists of a canvas, a background image, a frame, an entry box, a button, and a label. The entry box is used to enter the name of the city for which you want to get weather information. The button is used to get weather information, and the label is used to display the weather information.

Section 6: Fetching weather data using the OpenWeatherMap API Now that we have created the user interface, we can start fetching weather data using the OpenWeatherMap API. Here’s an example code to fetch weather data for a specific location using the OpenWeatherMap API:

import requests

def get_weather(city):
    url = f'{city}&appid=API_KEY&units=metric'
    response = requests.get(url)
    weather_data = response.json()
    return weather_data

In the above code, we have created a function called get_weather that takes a city name as input and returns the weather data for that city. We have used the requests library to send an HTTP request to the OpenWeatherMap API and fetch weather data. We have used f-strings to include the API key and the city name in the URL.

Section 7: Displaying weather data in the weather app Now that we have fetched weather data, we can display it in the weather app. Here’s an example code to display weather data in the label of the weather app:

def format_weather(weather_data):
        city = weather_data['name']
        country = weather_data['sys']['country']
        temp = weather_data['main']['temp']
        feels_like = weather_data['main']['feels_like']
        humidity = weather_data['main']['humidity']
        wind_speed = weather_data['wind']['speed']
        description = weather_data['weather'][0]['description']

        weather_str = f'City: {city}, {country}\nTemperature: {temp}°C\nFeels like: {feels_like}°C\nHumidity: {humidity}%\nWind speed: {wind_speed} m/s\nDescription: {description}'
        weather_str = 'Error fetching data'

    return weather_str

def get_weather_command():
    city = entry.get()
    weather_data = get_weather(city)
    weather_str = format_weather(weather_data)
    label['text'] = weather_str

In the above code, we have created two functions: format_weather and get_weather_command. The format_weather function takes the weather data returned by the get_weather function and formats it into a string that can be displayed in the weather app. The get_weather_command the function is called when the user clicks the “Get Weather” button and it fetches the weather data for the city entered by the user, formats it using the format_weather function, and displays it in the label of the weather app.

We have also added an exception-handling block in the format_weather function to handle errors that may occur while fetching weather data. If an error occurs, the function returns a string that says “Error fetching data”. This ensures that the weather app does not crash if an error occurs while fetching weather data.

With these functions, we can now display weather data in the weather app whenever the user clicks the “Get Weather” button

Section 8:


we have learned how to create a weather app using Python and the OpenWeatherMap API. We have covered how to install the necessary software, obtain an API key from OpenWeatherMap, create the user interface using Tkinter, fetch weather data using the OpenWeatherMap API, and display weather data in the weather app.

By following this tutorial, you can create your own weather app that fetches weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API and displays it in a user-friendly interface. You can customize the user interface according to your preferences and even add more features such as weather forecasts, weather alerts, and more.

Python and the OpenWeatherMap API are powerful tools that can be used to create a wide range of applications, including weather apps, IoT devices, web applications, and more. With the right knowledge and tools, you can create amazing applications that can change the world.

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